  • sofort einsetzbarer und komfortabler ZFS Storage-Server für iSCSI/FC, NFS und SMB
  • Active Directory Support mit Snaps als Vorherige Version
  • komfortable Web-GUI
  • alle Funktionen für ein fortschrittliches NAS/SAN
  • kommerzielle Nutzung erlaubt
  • kein Speicherlimit
  • freier Download für End-User

  • Individualsupport und Beratung
  • Bugfix/ Updates auf neueste Versionen oder Fehlerbehebungen
  • Extensions wie komfortables ACL Management, Disk und Echtzeitmonitoring oder Remote Replikation
  • Appliance Diskmap, Security und Tuning (Pro complete)
  • Redistribution/Bundling/ Installation im Kundenauftrag optional
Fordern Sie ein Angebot an.
Details: Featuresheet.pdf


napp-it cs with Open-ZFS on Linux

I am using ProxMox but any Linux on any ZFS appliance or NAS should work.
Smartmontools should be installed additionally

Setup client web-gui on Windows
- download napp-it cs on a Windows machine (folder /xampp with /xampp/napp-it)
- start napp-it cs (start /xampp/web-gui/data/start_zfs-gui_as_admin.bat) as admin
- use a browser with address http(s)://localhost to manage your servers
  for remote management use http(s)://ip and open Windows firewall for Apache.

Setup server part on Proxmox (similar on any other Linux)
"Install" server app (= a simple copy)
Serversoftware is on your napp-it cs in /xampp/napp-it/data/cs_server
- copy folder c:/xampp/napp-it/data/cs_server to any location of your ZFS server
 can be a systemfolder like /var/web-gui but /desktop or tank/data is also possible
- insert an auth string to /path/cs_server/server.auth
- edit /cs_server/ (timeout or allowed_ip, optional)
- start socketserver via: sudo perl /path_to/cs_sever/ (Console)

for debugging, you can use a Putty remote console but that ends server script when you logout

on napp-it cs on Windows
Add your Linux server to the servergroup (menue Extensions > Servergroup)
This creates a file /xampp/napp-it/_log/group/hostname~ip.txt
File content must be the same auth string as in above server.auth

In the main menu you can switch to any memberserver of napp-it cs
Hostname enty and all menues reflect settings on this target server.

- Enable SSH, allow root (sharing options) or SMB
- Copy napp-it cs_server to a dataset ex tank/data (/mnt/tank/data)
- open a root shell and enter:
  perl perl /mnt/tank/data/cs_server/
Add Truenas to your servergroup (ZFS Servergroup -> add)

Raspberry4  4GB
ok, runs

A regular napp-it:
napp-it on Linux (works in a minimal edition with ZFS and Job management)

- install any Linux
- setup ZFS
       - on Ubuntu: apt-get install zfsutils-linux
      -  on Debian 8.6, use apt-get install lsb-release, wget ..zfsonlinux..deb,  dpkg ...deb,
              apt-get update, apt-get install debian-zfs

- On Debian you must install sudo: apt-get install sudo
- napp-it expects a pool ex tank to be mounted under /tank

- start napp-it

- open a console, enter su and cd /root and run
wget -O - www. | perl
This downloads napp-it

Start napp-it for the first time with root permissions via
sudo sh /var/web-gui/data/tools/linux/napp-it

After the initial start, you can start via commands "sudo napp-it" and stop via "sudo napp-it-stop"
There is no autostart enabled during boot.

When you have created a pool, you should export/import to pool to use wwn disk enumaration
On some Linux napp-it may run if you install sudo, netcat and mini-http manually:

On ESXi you must
enable UUID disk detection:

    Power off the guest.
    Select the guest and select Edit Settings.
    Select the Options tab on top.
    Select General under the Advanced section.
    Select the Configuration Parameters... on right hand side.

    Check to see if the parameter disk.EnableUUID is set, if it is there then make sure it is set to TRUE.

    If the parameter is not there, select Add Row and add it.
    Power on the guest.

The following is obsolete with current napp-it
Linux (currently Debian 7, Ubuntu 14 LTS)

I support Linux with basic ZFS, disk and job management, monitoring and remote replication with OmniOS

Linux is not my preferred or main platform. Many napp-it features rely on Solaris projects like
the CIFS server with Windows SID and ACL support, Comstar iSCSI or Crossbow network virtualisation.
A napp-it version with similar functionality like on OmniOS is currently not planned.

current state: preview, work in progress

Setup napp-it on Ubuntu 14 LTS (console commands)

## Setup on ESXi  ##
- create a new Linux VM with 16 GB (OS) and 3 x 10 GB (Testpool)
- edit Settings of this VM (we need to identify disks by-id):

By default VMWare doesn't provide information needed by udev to generate /dev/disk/by-id.
This can be done by setting the following:

    Start the vSphere Client, and log in to a vCenter Server.
    Select Virtual Machines and Templates and click the Virtual Machines tab.
    Right-click the virtual machine for which you are enabling the disk UUID attribute, and select Power > Power Off.
    The virtual machine powers off.
    Right-click the virtual machine, and click Edit Settings.
    Click the Options tab, and select the General entry in the settings column.
    Click Configuration Parameters. The Configuration Parameters window appears.
    Click Add Row.
    In the Name column, enter disk.EnableUUID
    In the Value column, enter TRUE
    Click OK and click Save.
    Power on the virtual machine.

## Download Ubuntu 14 LTS setup ISO and install onto the 20 GB disk
download from and install

- add SSH server during setup
- create a new admin user during setup ex "me"

after setup, reboot and
- login as this user

## enable root (disable with delete pw)
sudo passwd root
login as root (or start commands with sudo)

## If network is down after setup, bring it up with dhcp like
ifconfig eth0 up
dhclient eth0

check your ip config:

## Install SSH (for Putty or WinSCP)
apt-get install ssh (if not installed during setup)

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config (use midnight commander or nano):
Find the line PermitRootLogin no (or other restriction) and change it to PermitRootLogin yes

Restart ssd
sudo service ssh restart

## You can now connect from Windows as user root via WinSCP (file browser/editor)  and Putty (remote console)
where you can copy paste commands with a mouse right-click). If you use putty as me, switch to root with su

## var 1: install ZoL manually on Ubuntu 14 LTS, use Putty to allow copy/paste of commands with a mouse-right-click

## Server-Update to use ZFS and napp-it:
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

## PPA setup:

apt-add-repository ppa:zfs-native/stable -y

## Install build environment

apt-get install build-essential --no-install-recommends -y

## Add NFS/SMB Server

apt-get install nfs-kernel-server samba -y

## ZFS-Installation:

apt-get update
apt-get install ubuntu-zfs

opt: add iSCSI
apt-get install targetcli --no-install-recommends

##  On Ubuntu 12 LTS I did it in this order:
## or others
## apt-get install python-software-properties -y
## add-apt-repository ppa:zfs-native/stable
## apt-get update
## apt-get install ubuntu-zfs -y
## apt-get install nfs-kernel-server samba -y

## Napp-it setup: you can now run the online installer from your home directory:
cd /$HOME
wget -O -  | perl

After online updates, do a napp-it logout/login

The installer does the following:
-  install basic tools like bonnie, mc, netcat and smartmontools 
- adduser napp-it --shell /bin/false --no-cretae-home --disabled-password --gecos ''
- add the foolowing to /etc/sudoers:
- edit /etc/sudoers
#no passwd for napp-it sudo (place at the end of the file)

- Configure napp-it with mini-httpd
- edit /etc/default/mini-httpd  (autostart with START=1)
- edit /etc/mini-httpd.conf for these settings

## Manage napp-it from a Browser (replace serverip with your current ip from ifconfig)

If you cannot connect; please rerun the wget installer a second time!!

## Stop napp-it manually (as root)
/etc/init.d/napp-it stop

## Start napp-it manually (as root)
/etc/init.d/napp-it start

Discuss Problems at   (german)

- use device by-id disk names, if your pool use id's like sda, export/import the pool, it will use then ata, iscsi or wwn names.

Setup napp-it on Debian 7.3
setup mostly similar to Ubuntu

- Download netinstall iso
- upload to ESXi datastore

- new VM with UUID enabled (see Ubuntu setup)
- connect DVD to netinstall iso
- create a 16 GB bootdisk and install Debian
  with SSH Server

Install ZFS via Putty as root

wget 1%7Ewheezy all.deb
dpkg -i zfsonlinux_1~wheezy_all.deb
apt-get update
apt-get install debian-zfs parted ntfs-3g mountall

Install sudo
apt-get install sudo

Install SMB and NFS Server

apt-get install nfs-kernel-server samba

Install napp-it per wget
cd /$HOME
wget -O -  | perl

add napp-it to group sudo with command: gpasswd -a napp-it sudo

Edit /etc/sudoers (use WinSCP connected as root):
# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
# Please consider adding local content in /etc/sudoers.d/ instead of
# directly modifying this file.
# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
Defaults    env_reset
Defaults    secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

## supress Console messages from sudo
Defaults logfile=/dev/null
Defaults !syslog

# Host alias specification

# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification

# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
%sudo    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

# See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives:

#includedir /etc/sudoers.d

#no passwd for napp-it sudo (place at end of file)

Start/stop napp-it
/etc/init.d/napp-it start  (stop)

Setup napp-it on other Linux distributions
- you must setup ZFS with NFS and SMB server
- sudo is required (for user napp-it without password)
- mini-httpd webserver is required for napp-it (run as user napp-it)
- disk identification is dev by-id

optionally compare the setup with Debian/ Ubuntu 7 and the
wget online installer in function  "sub linux"

napp-it 12.04.2024