  • ready to use and comfortable ZFS storage appliance for iSCSI/FC, NFS and SMB
  • Active Directory support with Snaps as Previous Version
  • user friendly Web-GUI that includes all functions for a sophisticated NAS or SAN appliance.
  • commercial use allowed
  • no capacity limit
  • free download for End-User

  • Individual support and consulting
  • increased GUI performance/ background agents
  • bugfix/ updates/ access to bugfixes
  • extensions like comfortable ACL handling, disk and realtime monitoring or remote replication
  • appliance diskmap, security and tuning (Pro complete)
  • Redistribution/Bundling/setup on customers demand optional
please request a quotation.
Details: Featuresheet.pdf


How to stop/start/deinstall napp-it?

Skip autostart:
delete: /etc/rc3.d/S99napp-it

stop: /etc/init.d/napp-it stop
start: /etc/init.d/napp-it start

delete napp-it:
delete folder /var/web-gui with all napp-it files
you may delete /etc/init.d/napp-it but its only a link to the webserver in /var/web-gui/tools

to be exact:
the installer configures SMB and Comstar, compiles or installs tools like bonnie, mc, iperf, natatalk, netcat, smartmontools etc
you may need to deinstall

but the easiest way:
activate the first pre-napp-it be and reboot or
reinstall OS and import your pool, usually there are no importand data on rpool

Restart napp-it: Menü System - Shutdown - restart napp-it

napp-it 27.12.2023